Miércoles 15 de julio. 18.00 horas.

Webinar - Aspectos Bioéticos en la Pandemia por Covid19. Perspectivas religiosas.

Exponen: Fishel Szlajen (Rabino) / Andrés Tello Cornejo (Sacerdote).

Moderan: Dr. Ignacio Maglio (SADI)

Evento libre y gratuito - Inscribite en este link!

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Sábado 11 de julio. 14.00 horas.

Webinar - Impacto de Covid19 en Gran Bretaña.

Exponen: Dr. Omar Sued, Dra. Romina Quercia y Dr. Gustavo Lopardo.

Evento libre y gratuito - Inscribite en este link!

El evento se transmitirá en vivo en nuestro FACEBOOK LIVE

Lunes, 13 Julio 2020 18:00

Webinar - Covid y odontología

Lunes 13 de julio. 18.00 horas.

Webinar - Covid y odontología

Exponen: Dra. Silvia Fonio y Marcos Formica.

Evento libre y gratuito - Inscribite en este link!

El evento se transmitirá en vivo en nuestro FACEBOOK LIVE

Viernes 10 de julio. 19.00 horas.

Webinar - Manejo de Covid19 en Australia. Perspectiva de salud pública.

Exponen: Dr. Craig Dalton / Dr. Allen Cheng.

Moderan: Dr. Nick Walsh / Dr. Omar Sued.

Evento libre y gratuito - Inscribite en este link!

El evento se transmitirá en vivo en nuestro FACEBOOK LIVE

El último caso confirmado fue el 19 de marzo por lo que transcurrieron más de las 12 semanas requeridas para dar por finalizado el brote que comenzó en agosto de 2019.

A WHO survey has found that access to HIV medicines has been severely impacted by COVID-19. Seventy-three countries have warned that they are at risk of stock-outs of antiretroviral (ARV) medicines as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the survey conducted ahead of the International AIDS Society’s biannual conference.

COVID-19 has changed our life: disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and personal protective equipment (PPE) have become tools in the fight against virus transmission. Most of these products contain chemicals. A webinar is being held tomorrow during which speakers will share the preliminary analysis of the chemical impact [of using these products] and outline recommendations to ensure the safety of chemical products being used to stop the spreading of the virus. 

WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Dr Takeshi Kasaispoke of a ‘new normal’, one that improves both health and livelihoods during a virtual press conference with the World Economic Forum on COVID-19. He added “This ‘new future’ is the dividend of COVID-19 which WHO hopes for.”