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Miércoles, 17 Junio 2020 20:16

Fallecimiento Dra. Pinoni

Con profundo dolor queremos compartir la triste noticia del fallecimiento de la Dra Maria Victoria Pinoni luego de una enfermedad avanzada.

Vico, como todos la conocíamos, era una persona de luz que nos iluminó con su energía y su simpatía, siempre predispuesta a ayudar y colaborar con sus compañeros.

Nos deja innumerables recuerdos a todos aquellos que pudimos compartir parte de su vida.

Fue integrante del Servicio de Infectología del Hospital Británico, miembro del Comité Científico SADI 2020 y de nuestra Sociedad.

Quedará en nuestra memoria su sonrisa y su calidad humana.

Transmitimos a sus familiares y amigos nuestras condolencias.

Comisión Directiva 

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros, in his regular media briefing yesterday, stressed that “Despite the ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot lose sight of other significant public health issues, including influenza”. WHO urges countries to address the sharp decline in influenza surveillance and testing during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as the southern hemisphere enters the flu season.

Miércoles, 17 Junio 2020 10:41

Niveles de Elementos de Protección Personal

Nivel 1

Contacto con pacientes y sin riesgo de exposición a fluidos corporales.

  • Protección ocular a menos de 1 metro
  • Barbijo quirúrgico
  • Camisolín contacto
  • Guantes

Nivel 2

Contacto con pacientes y riesgo de exposición a fluidos corporales.

  • Protección ocular
  • Barbijo Quirúrgico
  • Camisolín hidrorepelente
  • Guantes
  • Botas en caso de riesgo de salpicadura para personal de limpieza

Nivel 3

Máscara facial

  • Protección ocular
  • Barbijo N95
  • Camisolín hidrorrepelente
  • Guantes
  • Botas o cubrecalzado en quirófano

At present, there is no evidence of sexual transmission of the virus responsible for COVID-19. The virus can be passed however, through direct contact with saliva, for instance, kissing. WHO has also carefully investigated the risks of women transmitting COVID-19 to their babies during breastfeeding. Based on the available evidence, WHO’s advice is that the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risks of transmission of COVID-19. 

The investigation of a cluster of COVID-19 in Beijing associated with a wholesale market continues. As of 14 June, 16:00 (CEST+6), Chinese authorities reported a total of 77 cases since 11 June, including 2 linked cases in Liaoning Province. See below for more information and press statement issued on 13 June. 

Blood donations are vital during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO Regional Director for the Americas, Dr Carissa F. Etienne said “The safest blood comes through voluntary unpaid donation from people like you and me. Donation is an act of solidarity and altruism, which the world needs now more than ever in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”.