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Sábado 9 de mayo - 14 horas.

Dra. Florencia Cahn / Dr. Gustavo Lopardo / Dr. Tomás Orduna / Dr. Javier Farina.

Modera Dr. Omar Sued.

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Viernes, 08 Mayo 2020 18:00

Webinar: Covid19 y Dengue

Viernes 8 de mayo. 18 Horas.

A cargo de la Dra. Pía Machuca / Dr. Esteban Couto
Comisión de Enfermedades Endémicas y Emergentes

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The WHO Regional Director for the Americas, Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, warned that reducing social distancing measures “too soon could accelerate the spread of the virus and open the door for a dramatic upsurge or for spread to adjacent areas”.

WHO Regional Directorfor South-East Asia, saidthat ‘Effective infection prevention and control measures, including hand hygiene, are crucial to ensuring health facilities do not become hubs of COVID-19 transmission’.

WHO has delivered additional medicines to the Islamic Republic of Iran as part of the Solidarity Trial, a global effortto find an effective treatment for COVID-19.

As Yemen confirms its first cases of COVID-19, WHO’s Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean issued a statement, stressing that collective action and commitment is the only way to mitigate the pandemic. “As long as even one case is unidentified and not properly treated, isolated and contacts traced, COVID-19 will continue to pose a significant threat to the Yemeni people and the country’s struggling health system”.

The Director General Dr. Tedros, in his regular media briefing said that, with the signing of the agreement, “We are deepening our relationship with the European Union”. He also reminded all that the European Commission will host a pledging conference on 4 May to raise funds for investment in vaccine research.

Two new Member States (Comoros and Tajikistan) reported cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.

WHO reminds health authorities to take specific steps to protect health care workers and communities during essential immunization activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Del total de casos (4.887), el 50,5% son mujeres y el 49,5% son hombres. Se registraron dos nuevas muertes. Un hombre, de 75 años, residente en la provincia de Córdoba; y una mujer, de 75 años, residente en la provincia de Buenos Aires. A la fecha, el total de altas es de 1.472 personas.


Hoy fueron confirmados 134 nuevos casos de COVID-19. Con estos registros, suman 5.020 positivos en el país. Del total de esos casos, 927 (18,5%) son importados, 2.207 (43,9%) son contactos estrechos de casos confirmados, 1.445 (28,8%) son casos de circulación comunitaria y el resto se encuentra en investigación epidemiológica. Se registraron 2 nuevas muertes.