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Lunes 29 de junio. 18 horas.

Webinar - El VIH en tiempos de Covid-19. La perspectiva comunitaria.

Expone: Nadir Fernanda Cardozo, Franco Bova y Javier Hourcade Bellocq.

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WHO has released a scientific brief on Breastfeeding and COVID-19 examining the evidence of the risks of transmission of COVID-19 from an infected mother to her baby through breastfeeding, as well as evidence on the risks to child health from not breastfeeding. WHO recommends that mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be encouraged to initiate or continue to breastfeed.

With influenza season starting in the southern hemisphere, WHO has alerted countriesto maintain vigilance for influenza and prepare for the upcoming influenza season during the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO recommends that countries optimize the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) for both influenza and COVID-19 sentinel surveillance. Countries are urged to (i) sustain influenza surveillance, (ii) report surveillance data to WHO FluNet and FluID or through regional platforms, (iii) send representative viruses to WHO Collaborating Centres of GISRS without delay, and (iv) maintain influenza vaccination programs according to WHO guidance.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros, in his regular media briefing, urged countries to double down on the fundamental public health measures, while facing the delicate balance between protecting their people and minimizing the social and economic damage caused by the pandemic. “It’s not a choice between lives and livelihoods. Countries can do both.” 

Sábado 27 de junio. 14 horas.

Webinar: Procedimientos quirúrgicos en tiempos de Covid-19, ¿Qué hay que tener en cuenta?

Expone: Dra. Valeria Fabre (EE.UU.)

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Miércoles 24 de junio. 18 horas.

Webinar - Cirugías en tiempo de pandemia por Covid-19

Expone: Dr. Marcelo del Castillo y Dr. Fernando Iúdica.

Panel: Dra. Wanda Cornistein, Dra. Inés Stanelonin y Dra. Analía de Cristófano.

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Lunes 22 de junio. 18 horas.

Webinar Abordaje de la pandemia VIH y Covid19 en México y Latinoamérica.

Expone: Dr. Luis Soto Ramírez (México)

Evento libre y gratuito sin inscripción previa.

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